
Barkeep on the Borderlands

Created by Prismatic Wasteland

A System-Neutral Pubcrawl Pointcrawl Adventure

Latest Updates from Our Project:

April Update (Shipping in May)
over 1 year ago – Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 06:48:53 AM


To my dismay (and probably also yours), I am writing to you from my honeymoon with some bad news. Our printing partner has continued to run into problems that have delayed when the print run will be complete. No joke, it has been floods, mechanical failures, medical emergencies—almost everything short of biblical plagues. I’m embarrassed by this delay, but there isn’t much I can do except to continue to check in with the printer on the status. We sent the files and funds to the printer back in February and were given an ETA of 3 weeks. If you are frustrated, I totally understand as we are in the same boat.

As for now, the estimate I’ve received is that printing will be done by the first week of May, and shipping is expected for the week of May 15.

If you have moved (or will move soon) and need to update your shipping address, please contact me here or via Backerkit and I will make sure we have your right address. I know a couple people already have since I locked addresses in anticipation of shipping in March, and we sorted that out. I need to finalize all addresses by April 26, 2023, so please reach out ASAP if this applies to you.

There is a chance it will be done sooner but there is also a chance of those aforementioned biblical plagues. Barring that, the next time you hear from me, I’ll be back from my honeymoon with good news for you all.

Again, I apologize for all this delay. Hopefully you’ve already got a chance to enjoy the PDFs, but I think there is something special about tactile TTRPG products, and the prints I have seen look great. I can’t wait for them to be in your hands and at your gaming tables.


W.F. Smith of the Prismatic Wasteland

March Update #2 (PDFs have been sent)
over 1 year ago – Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 05:45:09 AM

Just a quick update today:

PDFs were sent to your email via on Monday and DriveThruRPG earlier this morning! I can see about a third of you have already downloaded the PDFs on and I hope you're enjoying them. Please check your spam filters if you haven't received these. And if that fails, just message me and I can make sure you get your PDF copies.

Printing also began Monday!


W.F. Smith of the Prismatic Wasteland

March Update
over 1 year ago – Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 06:23:00 AM

I have good news and bad news.

First, the bad news you may have already realized is that you don’t have your physical books yet! The supply-chain-powers-that-be did not favor us this past month, and printing wasn’t able to start. However, our printer finally received the ink that had been delayed on Friday evening, so I have been told we have everything we need for that process of printing the books, bookmarks and posters to begin. Due to the quantities, it is going to take 2-3 weeks instead of the 1-2 weeks I expected.

Therefore, shipping will probably begin for backers in late March or early April. But that’s just all the stuff being printed on fancy paper–2,000 coasters printed on vinyl already landed on our shipping partner’s door with a thump, so those are just waiting to get packaged with the rest. One positive note on the book itself is that, after going through some test prints, we decided to go with a fancier binding at no expense to you: singer sewn binding. If you aren’t yet a book-binding nerd, this high-end binding allows the zine to lie flat on any page and live a longer life on your shelves.

The good news is that the PDFs are ready, and PDF distribution has begun. I am distributing the PDFs via DriveThruRPG and, but DTRPG has a 5 business day approval process (but I’ve heard from other creators that they’ve taken longer before). Download keys for should be landing in your inbox this morning. The DTRPG download keys will be out to you sometime this week as well. Also, no need to sign into both, the files are the same. I just know some people prefer one platform over the other. And you are also able to download it in both places! No one can stop you!

But you will. Twenty of them.

The global supply chain is a mess. Although I am merely at its mercy, I am sorry that this book isn’t already in your hands (for those who backed physical versions). Trust me when I say that no one wanted this to be wrapped up this month more than I did. I am getting married in the last days of March after which my then-wife (and current layout artist for this project!) will be in a timezone 12 hours away from our ordinary zone, enjoying our honeymoon and hopefully receiving very few emails. But you won’t be left hanging if shipping is pushed into April. The printer and shipper are working together, and Barkeep’s own Ty Pitre (editor, guest writer) will be on deck to ensure a relatively smooth landing. The turbulent seas of the supply chain rock our little ship mercilessly, but our jolly crew are good and capable sailors, and dry land is now coming into view.

You should be getting a PDF chock full of stuff to read here soon, but to tide you over, check out this blogpost from the aforementioned Ty that describes methods to inject more tension in your games as well as this post from Ty’s fellow editor/guest writer, Nick LS Whelan, where he innovates a method for representing large, samey, and confusing environments without mapping and keying them.


W.F. Smith of the Prismatic Wasteland

February Update (Printing and PDFs coming SOON)
over 1 year ago – Mon, Feb 13, 2023 at 06:06:43 AM

Quick summary: Distribution of PDFs and shipping of physical products is expected to begin in early March.

First off, if you haven’t filled out your Backerkit survey, please do so we know where to ship the adventure! 93% of you have already filled it out, so just a few people have yet to fill it out. Orders will be locked tomorrow (on Tuesday at midnight, eastern standard time).

The book is laid out and proofed, and the files for the book, poster and bookmark have been sent to the printer. Printing at the quantity to fulfill all orders should start soon and take approximately 15 days, so looking at late February or early March for printing to be done. Then our shipping partner will assemble the orders and start shipping them out. Our goal is for all books and accessories to be shipped by the end of March! PDFs should go out around the same time as shipping begins.

I posted a few preview images of spreads on my blog if you’d like to check that out to whet your appetite. It won’t be long until you have the full adventure, with all 20 pubs!

Also, if you are a fan of the big map of the Our Lady of the Sacred Speakeasy pub from Sam Mameli (aka Skullboy), Sam is selling a print of it on his webstore. It would be a helpful play aid when using this pub in your games. Sam also has a discount code on all of his prints for the next month if you use this discount code: 5VISZCV1. Sam did the cover art and is one of the 17 artists who contributed to the interior art (there is a LOT of art in the book).

Thanks for all the support! We are nearing the finish line.


W.F. Smith of the Prismatic Wasteland

January Update #2 - Check Your Email for the Backerkit Survey
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 05:20:36 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.